Her Excellency Lucie Berger, the new Ambassador of the European Union to the United Arab Emirates, hosted a lunch meeting yesterday with members of media institutions in the UAE. The gathering provided an opportunity to delve into the dynamic and flourishing EU-UAE bilateral relations, as well as the eagerly anticipated COP28.

The European Union's intricate policies and systems can often be challenging to communicate to the public, making the role of journalists paramount in enhancing understanding of the EU in the UAE. Ambassador Berger's engagement with the media highlighted the importance of this partnership.

During the meeting, Ambassador Berger expressed her enthusiasm to engage with media in the UAE, stating: "I am delighted to have this opportunity to meet and engage with esteemed members of the media in the UAE. I believe that open and constructive dialogue with the media is essential to build understanding and transparency, and I look forward to our continued conversations."

Ambassador Berger underlined the robust relations between the European Union and the United Arab Emirates: "Our relations with the UAE are strong, and we are working to strengthen them even further. UAE President His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan met with the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen this September, with a number of simultaneous high level visits around that time. It was an excellent start to my tenure here in Abu Dhabi, where we see a positive trajectory in our relationship. I am keen on building on this momentum and following up on the commitments made by our respective leaders."

The EU-UAE bilateral economic relations are strong, with various potential avenues for growth. The UAE is a critically important partner for the EU in a region whose strategic significance is rapidly growing. Together, the EU’s 27 Member States are the largest investors in the GCC. Of the EU Foreign Direct Investment in the region, more than 70% targeted the UAE.

The UAE is the EU’s first export partner in the region and the second import partner. The UAE is also one of the leading investors in the EU and we expect more inflow of investment in new areas such as green hydrogen.

Furthermore, the Ambassador emphasized the significance of COP28, hosted by the UAE, as a momentous event in the climate action landscape: “The hosting of COP28 in the UAE is a pivotal milestone as the first global stocktake of the Paris Agreement. Many of the objectives of the COP28 presidency are shared with the EU which is why we continue working closely together towards a successful outcome.”

The EU is the global leader on climate action with the EU Green Deal as our ambitious roadmap towards being the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. The EU has already committed to reduce its net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels.

“We are looking forward to a meaningful participation and an ambitious outcome at this year’s COP. The EU pavilion will be situated in the COP28 Blue Zone. It will host around 100 side events, both in-person and online,” Ambassador Berger added.

At COP28 the EU will focus on: Scaling up climate ambitions to keep 1.5°C within reach, phasing out unabated fossil fuels and increasing renewable energy capacity, enhancing mitigation and adaptation efforts, and strengthening climate finance for loss and damage.
