Ras Al Khaimah, UAE: While Type 2 Diabetes constitutes a big majority of all diabetic cases globally; it’s actually the associated complications which make it as one of the biggest medical challenges to human society. Almost all chronic patients of diabetes develop some or other complications over the years. Moreover, hectic work schedules, increased stress levels overall and an improper lifestyle sometimes do not allow effective management of diabetes through a treatment route solely dependent on medications.

During the latest ‘Diabeat’ webinar by RAK Hospital on ‘Surgical Management of Diabetes’ organized as part of the RAK Diabetes Challenge 2022 informative series, Dr. Surendra Ugale, one of the most renowned Metabolic Surgeons for Diabetes & Obesity from India, educated the participants about advancement in the successful surgical management of Type 2 Diabetes.

Despite adequate medications and supplementary preventive approaches available nowadays, society is witnessing a steady rise in cases of associated nephropathy (kidney diseases), neuropathy and amputations, retinopathy & blindness, strokes & heart diseases etc. As a result, diabetes-led mortality poses a huge threat. The last session of the webinar series focused chiefly on how the risks of uncontrolled diabetes are easily controllable through various surgical interventions clubbed with a healthy lifestyle to avoid remission.

“Obviously, a medical prescription is the first option. However, we can tackle almost all of the pathophysiology of T2 diabetes via synergistic inclusion of surgery and proper lifestyle, when the compliance is poor and the patient’s blood sugar levels are consistently not in control through a prescription-only route”, Dr Ugale mentioned.

Surgical treatment of diabetes gets associated chiefly with obese diabetics; however, diabetes is a metabolic disorder, and the latest surgical solutions especially “ileal interposition” is appropriate for most patients.  He also highlighted that these surgical techniques besides being extremely safe and free of side effects, leave no or minimal scars, and are therefore appearance and cosmetic-friendly too.

He educated the participants about the need to closely monitor blood glucose levels and a thorough consideration of the patient’s medical history before deciding on the best surgical plan. Participants’ confidence level and conviction with the suggested options got a further boost with the case studies of many such patients who have been leading extremely active & healthy lifestyles for the last 10+ years after the surgery & that too without any remission of diabetes.

Commenting on the subject, Dr Raza Siddiqui, Executive Director, RAK Hospital said, “It is only normal for any patient and his caretakers to question a surgical procedure on its long-term effectiveness, cost implications besides the physiological and cosmetic side-effects. Diabetes is no exception. There also remains this misconception that only obese patients with diabetes require surgery.

Fortunately, for patients with uncontrolled diabetes, there are plenty of safe options to choose from. While the need for a preventive and healthy lifestyle remains paramount irrespective of a medical condition, it is also important that both patients and medical practitioners adopt a holistic treatment approach to conquer the ongoing war against diabetes. Towards this end, the ‘DiaBeat” series of webinars would continue empowering all the stakeholders with essential knowledge about the latest developments, practices & procedures.”

To know more about the challenge and to access the webinar login to www.rakdiabeteschallenge.com/webinar-arch.php
