Saudi German Hospitals partners with Careem

Agreement will help pave the way in addressing patients transportation needs

DUBAI - Saudi German Hospitals (SGH) Group has revealed the signing of a new strategic partnership agreement with Careem to provide its patients with convenient transportation services to and from the hospitals across the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The newly formed alliance demonstrates the hospital's continuing commitment towards providing its patients with world-class health care services-improving the patients’ experience and making their hospital visit more pleasant and convenient.

Makarem Sobhi Batterjee, Vice Chairman and Deputy President, Saudi German Hospitals Group, said “we are proud to announce the signing of this strategic new alliance with Careem, which aims to provide key transportation solutions to patients who are coming and leaving the hospital. This agreement will help pave the way in addressing our patient’s transportation needs. This move is part of our continuing commitment towards improving lives as well as ensuring our patient’s happiness.”

Iyad Anwar Al Dalooj, General Manager, Careem, noted that the company is pleased with the signing of this new partnership agreement, which reflects the company’s continued commitment towards establishing new quality standards to provide safe and reliable services to its passengers. He also stressed on the importance of the new cooperation, especially in facilitating the transport of patients to world-class healthcare providers such as Saudi German Hospitals to take care of the health needs of the community.

As part of this agreement, patients will benefit from 20 per cent discount to patients going to and from Saudi German Hospitals. In addition, complimentary rides will also be provided to discharged patients upon their departure from the facility, allowing them to get back home safely and comfortably. — SG

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