Business Summary
International Air Transport Association (IATA) is a trade association for airlines. The Company represents approximately 250 airlines. It supports a range of aviation activities and helps formulate industry policy on various aviation issues. It runs various programs under categories, such as airline distribution, cargo, environment, passenger, operations and infrastructure, safety, security and facilitation, simplifying the business and work groups. The Company’s range of services includes Accreditation & Codes - Travel, Accreditation Cargo, Financial Services, Intelligence & Statistics, IATA Codes, Consulting, Advertising, Geneva Conference Center and Montreal Conference Center. It offers the air transport industry a range of information products on various aspects of aviation. Its IATA Training and Development Institute trains aviation professionals and businesses addressing sectors, such as airline, air navigation services, airport, cargo, civil aviation authority and travel agency.
Country of Incorporation
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Institutions, Associations & Organizations
Company Address
800 Place Victoria, Ss1-35
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