The UAE is looking into the possibility of reopening all schools, colleges and educational institutions.

Anoud Abdullah Al-Hajj, official spokesman from the Ministry of Education, said spelt out the following guidelines for reopening schools and universities:

1. Check temperatures of all students and teaching staff
2. Maintain physical distancing and reduce the capacity in classrooms
3. Sanitise all areas regularly
4. Meals not to be shared by students
5. Limit assemblies, trips, parties, camps and sports games.
6. Reduce occupancy of bus capacity to 30%
7. A health officer to be stationed in each education facility. Nursing departments at schools to help reduce risk of infection.
8. Parents to monitor the health of their children and inform the school if they come in contact with any Covid-positive case.
9. A decision on students with underlying health conditions will be taken on a case-by-case basis.

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