Malawi has inaugurated the Extension of the Mangochi Potable Water Supply Project in Mangochi funded mainly by the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development (KFAED).

The Kuwait Fund's contributed 79 percent of the total project cost with a loan granted in 2019, amounting to 5 million Kuwaiti dinars ($16 million).

The project, which serves a population of 39,000 people will expand its reach to about 93,000 people by 2036, a KFAED press statement said.

The extension project encompasses facilities for extracting raw water from Lake Malawi and a water treatment plant with a purification capacity of 13,500 cubic metres per day (m3/day). The infrastructure also includes a post-purification water pumping station capable of processing about 480 m³/hour, water storage tanks with a capacity of 4,300 m³, and a distribution network. The project also integrates installation of prepayment-type meters at the consumer-end and consulting services.

(Writing by P Deol; Editing by Anoop Menon)


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