Abu Dhabi Emergency, Crisis and Disasters Committee has approved an extension of remote learning for all public schools and private schools in the Emirate.

Earlier, Abu Dhabi had announced remote learning for the two weeks of the new school term till January 17.

Students will now attend classes virtually for one more week and online classes will be hosted till at least January 21.

This decision applies to all public and private schools in the emirate, as well as universities, colleges and training institutes.

The authorities took the decision to enable all educational facilities to be fully prepared for a safe return for students in school.

The National Emergency Crisis and Disaster Management Authority (NCEMA) has also postponed all tests and examinations that require in-school attendance until January 28, 2022.

Further decision will be taken based on the assessment of the pandemic situation in the country.


The Abu Dhabi Department of Education and Knowledge (Adek) has conducted a survey to gauge whether parents would favour remote education or face-to-face learning for their children.

The survey included basic queries about parents as well as schools attended by their children. It also asked whether children attended physical learning during last term and the education model that families would prefer for their children during the next few weeks.

All Abu Dhabi schools had started the second term, which began on January 3, with remote learning and it was to continue for two weeks.

Abu Dhabi Emergency, Crisis and Disasters Committee earlier said the move was a "precautionary measure to limit the spread of Covid-19 and maintain low infection rates in the emirate.

Part of the comprehensive survey which ended on January 11, was to gauge parents’ opinions on whether they would like to send children back to school after the two weeks remote learning.

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