RIYADH: In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, social media is abuzz with news, updates, and advice. Many of them are either fake or unverified.

Authorities have urged residents in Saudi Arabia not to share or spread such messages. Recently, there was social media message concerning LuLu hypermarket branches being closed due to COVID-19 infections among staff.

LuLu Hypermarket Group categorically denied this.

Speaking to Arab News, an authorized spokesperson of LuLu Hypermarket said, “As part of deep cleaning and sanitization LuLu Hypermarket, Al-Ahsa branch was closed for two days. It is now open and operating as usual.

"We have strict health and safety guidelines for each of our employees. Anyone with any of the mildest symptoms is subjected to medical tests and quarantine.

"We are working closely with various government authorities in their fight against this pandemic by strictly following all the protocols and guidelines," they added.

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