Monday, Septemeber 19, 2016 - The Islamic Finance Gateway (IFG) Briefing, published from Sunday to Thursday, carries the latest market-moving news and data for institutions offering Islamic financial services.

You can view the full IFG briefing via under IFG Briefings Subject.


Iran presses for banking agreement to facilitate sanctions pact

Iran is pressing the United States to ease banking obstacles to the reopening of trade under last year's nuclear deal and hopes for progress on the sidelines of United Nations meetings in New York this week, an Iranian official said on Sunday.- RTRS

MIDEAST STOCKS-Saudi shares drop as activity falls to 12-month low, Qatar rises

Equity investors dumped Saudi Arabian stocks on Sunday, deterred by a recent downturn in global equity and oil markets while Qatar's index held on to small gains as traders bought shares on price dips.- RTRS


The Islamic Finance Briefings cover all the latest news, data, quotes and industry announcements you need. They also include Islamic Interbank Benchmark Rates, major FX and equity market movements and indicators for all sharia-compliant asset classes.

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(Prepared by Tina Kwan) A service of Thomson Reuters and Zawya Islamic Finance Gateway. The contents of this Briefing are independently compiled by the Thomson Reuters and Zawya Islamic Finance Gateway Service, a business of the Global Growth and Operations Division. While material is drawn from Reuters News and other sources, Reuters has not participated in the selection of these articles.