17 April 2017

DUBAI — The global aluminum industry gears up for the fifth edition of the region’s largest aluminum event, Aluminum Middle East 2017, being held in Dubai on May 15-17, 2017 at Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre (DICEC). The event featuring over 150 exhibitors and attracting over 3,500 visitors will be showcasing the industry’s latest solutions covering plant, machinery, accessories and equipment for aluminum extraction, processing and refining.

Aluminum ranks today as number two in the consumption volumes among all the metals, surpassed only by steel. In the coming decades the demand for aluminum will continue increasing at exponential rates, given the recent developments in the motor industry, the rapid growth of cities, new potential uses of aluminum as a substitute to copper in the power industry – these and many other trends mean that aluminum is well placed to strengthen further its position as a key structural material of the future.

Ever since its commercial production began little more than a century ago, aluminum has become the material of choice for a diverse range of applications and utilities. Aluminum comprises over 8% of the earth’s crust and is the third most common element after oxygen and silicon. In our modern day lifestyle and built environment, aluminum products are just as abundant, with its special characteristics allowing it to be used in a wide variety of application areas.

Aluminum Middle East 2017 will cover the entire value chain of the aluminum industry, attendees and participants, can find out everything they need to know about raw materials, primary metal products, semi-finished products, semi-fabricates, castings and heat treatment, machinery and supplies for aluminum extraction, processing and refining as well as light metals and recycling.

“Aluminum Middle East has always demonstrated its ability to attract and retain high profile participants. Global and regional industry leaders will get to showcase their latest offerings, guaranteeing a great return on investment for all participants and visitors,” said Daniyal Qureshi, Group Exhibition Director of Reed Exhibitions Middle East, the official organizers of Aluminum Middle East.

“The exhibition plays an outstanding role in paving ways to forge alliances and build partnerships between smelters, energy resources and logistics industries, which in return will help the region cement its position as a key world player within the industry. With several opportunities to learn more about the industry, this really is an event not to be missed by anyone in the Aluminum sector,” he added.

This year, the Middle East posted the second highest year-on-year demand growth globally during the first quarter at +5.8% and the world now has its eyes set on witnessing how the GCC will continue to thrive in a post-oil world, with aluminum as one of the major economy drivers. This regional growth is a major contributor to a growing global demand for aluminum which is estimated to reach 70 million metric tons per year by 2020.

The event aims to highlight the Middle East’s future role as the world’s powerhouse in aluminum production. Together with suppliers of technologies and accessories for aluminum production, processing and refinement, there will also be facilitated discussions on uplifting the downstream sectors to support this phenomenal growth in upstream industries.

The economic diversification plans being implemented across the GCC is set to further boost the region’s multi-billion-dollar industry. Especially with the recently launched Dubai Industrial Strategy, the United Arab Emirates is boosting its economic competitiveness through new initiatives spanning six priority sub-sectors, including aluminum and fabricated metals, which have been chosen in line with the UAE’s vision for sustainable progress in the post-oil era.

© The Saudi Gazette 2017