Abu Dhabi: MAKTABA, the library management department of the Department of Culture and Tourism – Abu Dhabi (DCT Abu Dhabi), has unveiled the second edition of KPL Art Hub exhibition at the Khalifa Park Library. Young artists from across the UAE will exhibit artworks in the fields of painting, sculpture, design, handicrafts and more from 21 November to 22 December 2022.

For its second edition, KPL Art Hub exhibition will feature artworks created by 28 artists, with eight artists displaying their work every week. The group will change on a weekly basis, providing visitors a variety of artworks across a range of genres. The exhibition will be accompanied by workshops, artistic events and reading sessions to reach different age groups, offering guests a rich and inspiring cultural experience.

Shaikha AlMehairi, Library Management Director at DCT Abu Dhabi, said: “The first edition of KPL Art Hub exhibition saw the wide participation of young artists from all segments of society. This encouraged us to build on this success and organise the second edition of the exhibition. Organising cultural events that embrace the creativity of youth falls in line with MAKTABA’s strategy to provide a flourishing environment for creativity, one that enhances the cultural and artistic scene in Abu Dhabi. This, in turn, further cements the emirate's position as a regional hub for culture and the creative arts.”

Fatema Abdul Rahman Al Tamimi, Branches Library Section Head, Library Management Department at DCT Abu Dhabi, said: “At MAKTABA, we have been keen to ensure that KPL Art Hub exhibition provides the opportunity for the largest possible number of talents to present their work. This will allow visitors to view a larger number of art exhibits, which in turn will serve the exhibition's mission to connect young artists with the wider audiences. MAKTABA will continue to launch various artistic and cultural initiatives, programmes and exhibitions that reaffirm the vitality of Abu Dhabi’s cultural scene and reiterate the emirate’s role in leveraging the cultural renaissance in the country and the region.”

The exhibition features multimedia works spanning painting in its various forms, including abstract and surrealist painting, graffiti, portraits, digital painting, charcoal drawing, anime drawing, as well as creative photography, design and decorative arts. This is in addition to creative handicrafts such as carpet weaving, candle making, sewing and embroidery.

The KPL Art Hub exhibition is open to the public from 4pm to 8pm from Monday to Thursday, until 22 December 2022.


For further information, please contact:
Mary Khamasmieh
Weber Shandwick
E: mkhamasmieh@webershandwick.com
Maher Al Bash
Weber Sh
andwickE: MAlbash@webershandwick.com
Sara Abuhassira
Weber Shandwick
E: SAbuhassira@webershandwick.com