Doha, Qatar: Staycations have become a trend in Qatar and serve as a viable option for individuals seeking a rejuvenating experience, especially during holidays.

Most hotels in the city offer staycation packages – some at discounted prices during Eid holidays. Also, in a relevantly new concept staycations are available at camps and cabins, offering the comfort of a hotel in the middle of the desert or by the beach.

For staycationers seeking a serene escape or a family-friendly retreat, hotels and resorts offer a perfect blend of comfort and luxury. They offer special Eid promotions, tailored packages, that include indulgent dining experiences and relaxing spa treatments.

However, staycations are not limited to holidays. Initially, hotels offered staycation options during special occasions, such as the Eid holidays, but now, a majority of them provide staycation choices throughout the year.

The Peninsula spoke to a cross-section of people who have enjoyed a staycation to get their experience while checking in with service providers about the trends, and to an expert to know about the benefits of frequent breaks.

Jameela Salah a communication specialist taking a staycation with her family during the Eid holidays said, “We are not travelling during the Eid holidays, so decided to take a two-day staycation. No stress of packing or rushing around airports during these busy days. It feels amazing to just relax and unwind without worrying about work or travel plans.”

“We choose to stay at a resort outside Doha,” she said adding that getting away from familiar surroundings helps break the monotony of daily life.

According to industry sources, a noticeable surge in staycation bookings has been reported in recent times, especially during times such as the Eid holidays. The concept of staycations is gaining popularity, especially among families, with some opting for this experience every two or three months.

“We are consistently fully booked during the weekends and special occasions. While the numbers are slightly lower, there are still guests who choose staycations on weekdays,” stated a resort supervisor adding that guests choose affordable offers, considering the options available across different platforms.

A staycation is like a “re-start button” said Nazma Mazhar, a Content Creator who often chooses a staycation to refresh and stay away from the routine.

According to her short breaks are less stressful and relaxing than long holidays, resulting in a better mental state. “During main holidays we intend to explore places and eventually get tired, but staycations are mainly to stay back and relax,” said Nazma. “Happiness comes from planning and anticipating a short break, away from the norm of life. It also helps to switch off from a mundane regular daily routine at home and workplace,” she added.

Evangeline, a long-term expatriate who takes a staycation at least once in three months said, “A staycation always relieves the mind after a stressful schedule. It helps us take time for self-care and refresh ourselves for the upcoming days. As a woman who manages both household work and a career, it’s so relaxing to be served and free from all the responsibilities, ensuring that all family members enjoy the same quality time equally.”

According to the Chair of Psychiatry at Sidra Medicine, Professor Muhammad Waqar Azeem, uninterrupted, restful holidays lead to reduced stress, increased creativity, and better sleep, this in turn benefits family life, work, and health.

“Whether it’s just an extra day or two, perhaps taken from a weekend, these breaks provide moments for self-reflection and quality time with loved ones. Taking time away from routine work and daily life leads to improvement in physical and emotional well-being, motivation, and relationships,” he said.

“Additionally, these breaks are recognized for preventing burnout and fatigue, contributing to enhanced work performance and increased productivity,” said Professor Azeem.

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