Hassan Allam Holding, a major engineering and construction company in Egypt, has announced that its Saudi unit has secured an additional contract for the Marina Hotel in Amaala Triple Bay, situated along the kingdom's West Coast.
As per the deal, Hassan Allam Construction Saudi will be taking care of the civil construction, secondary infrastructure and inground services work.
This project comes as part of ongoing projects in Amaala, which include key hospitality projects, medical wellness resorts, and several luxury hotels that are underway.
"Expanding upon our initial scope of civil construction works covering a built-up area of 61,128 sq m, our additional scope encompasses all Secondary Infrastructure and inground services for the Marina Hotel," said a company spokesman.
This includes roads and paving, irrigation network, electrical MV network, ELV/ICT/GSM containment works, as well as all other utilities, alongside external signage and wayfinding installations, he stated.
With a dedicated focus on Saudi Arabia, Hassan Allam Holding remains committed to contributing to the nation’s flourishing future by diversifying the economy, advancing tourism, and fostering innovation, he added.
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