18 July 2017
Ministry steps up efforts to promote healthy lifestyle in the UAE

UAE - The Ministry of Health and Prevention (MOHAP) recently held its first meeting for the Health Legislation and Policies team, which forms part of the Executive Group of Healthy Lifestyle Indicators, which involves prevalence of smoking tobacco products, prevalence of diabetes, and obesity amongst children. The team is led by Mrs. Nouf Khamis - Deputy Director of Head of Education and Promotion Department at MOHAP’s Training and Development Center based in Sharjah.

The meeting commenced by introducing members of was the Legislation and Health Policies team, which includes officials and specialists from several government entities involved with health, education, finance, justice, the economy, media, communications and customs and food control.

The team discussed several aspects of the legislation and health policies that aims to promote healthy lifestyle in the society. Projects included in the team's plans are the application of selective tax on tobacco products and sweetened beverages, enactment of legislation to regulate promotions and advertisements for children, preparations for the launching of the food-labeling project, among others. The meeting set up also the mechanisms for cooperation between all parties. The Health Legislation and Policies team agreed on scheduling a series of workshops that will aim to develop a comprehensive plan for the projects included, and to a timeframe for their implementation.

Ms. Khamis lauded the committee for the productive outcome of their cooperation with key partners and stakeholders, which aims to encourage participation from all sectors of society in supporting the achievement of the UAE National Agenda.


© Press Release 2017