Number of inbound visitors rises 17.9% Y-o-Y in April in Qatar


The highest number of visitors was from the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) at 42%

The total number of inbound visitors reached about 382 thousand in April 2024, recording an annual increase of 17.9% (compared to April 2023), and a monthly increase of 16.3% (compared to March 2024).

The highest number of visitors was from the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) at 42%. As for visitors by type of port, the visitors via Air make up the highest percentage with 55% of the total number of visitors, according to the new issue of "Qatar; Monthly Statistics" bulletin released by the National Planning Council.

The bulletin shows a decrease in the total number and values of properties sold at a monthly rate of 25.0% and 15.9%, respectively (compared to March 2024). The total number of buildings permits reached 466 permits during April 2024, recording a monthly decrease of 37.6% and an annual increase of 21.7%.

The total number of registered new vehicles during April 2024 has reached 7011 new vehicles. The figure showed a monthly decrease of 10.5% and it showed an annual increase of 2.9%.

With regard to traffic accidents cases without counting the accidents without injuries, a total of 762 traffic cases were recorded during April 2024, showing a monthly decrease of 5.2% and an annual decrease by 2.2%. Light injuries are accounted for most traffic accidents cases during the same month, with 93%, followed by severe injuries by 6%. However, 10 deaths were recorded, equivalent to only 1% of total traffic accidents cases.

As for vital statistics, 2496 live births have been registered during April 2024. Also, an increase in the total Qatari live births by 17.7% comparing to last month. On the other hand, 221 deaths were recorded during the same period, a decrease of 3.1% compared to March 2024.

April 2024 witnessed a monthly increase of 1.9% of total marriage contracts and 13.7% monthly decrease of total divorce certificates. The total number of marriage contracts reached 328 marriage contracts, while the total number of divorce certificates reached 120 cases.

The bulletin shows a monthly decrease in total net tonnage of vessels by 29.9% in April 2024 compared to previous month.

The Social Security statements reached QR 78 million in April 2024, for 14407 beneficiaries, recording a monthly increase of 0.6% for the value of social security, and a monthly increase of 0.2% for the number of beneficiaries of Social Security.

As for the Banking Sector; Total Broad Money Supply (M2) recorded about QR 736 billion during April 2024, an annual increase of 5.7% compared with April 2023. On the other hand, cash equivalents; including Commercial Bank Deposits, attained for QR 1025 billion during April 2024. The figure has recorded an annual increase of 6.3% compared to April 2023, when deposits recorded approximately QR 964 billion.
© Gulf Times Newspaper 2022 Provided by SyndiGate Media Inc. (Syndigate.info).
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