Qatari Haj Mission ensures smooth travel and rituals for pilgrims

Agence France-Presse (AFP)/AFP
Agence France-Presse (AFP)/AFP
Agence France-Presse (AFP)/AFP

Said Deputy Head of the Qatari Haj Mission, Ali bin Sultan al-Musaifri

The Qatari Haj Mission is pressing on its unwavering support for the Qatari pilgrims during this Haj season, in co-ordination with Qatari Haj campaigns, said Deputy Head of the Qatari Haj Mission, Ali bin Sultan al-Musaifri.

Al-Musaifri added that all units affiliated with the Qatari mission were taking all measures to streamline Qatari pilgrims' performance of Haj rituals.

All pilgrims are safe and expressed their satisfaction with the services and facilities offered in the heat-insulated camps in Mina, Arafat and Muzdalifah, as well as transportation, food, guidance and legal advice and healthcare services, he added.

Al-Musaifri added that all camps for the Qatari pilgrims were equipped according to the highest approved specifications.

He highlighted the constructive co-operation and continuous co-ordination between the officials of the Qatari Haj Mission and its supporting units, the owners of Qatari Haj campaigns and the relevant authorities in Saudi Arabia, which resulted in providing the highest quality services to the country's pilgrims, and in helping them perform their rituals in the best possible way.

He added that there was co-ordination between the Mission's Co-ordination and Follow-up Unit, the airport, the Haj campaigns and the relevant Saudi authorities to facilitate the procedures for a safe, easy and comfortable departure of Qatari pilgrims after performing their rituals.
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