Prime Minister of Pakistan Shehbaz Sharif said on Thursday his country seeks to further strengthen cooperation with Qatar in all spheres of mutual interest, especially trade and investment.
Sharif made the remark with talking to Qatari Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Mohammad Al-Khulaifi in Islamabad, the Pakistani Prime Minister's Office said in a press release.
He said Pakistan greatly values its historic, cordial and fraternal relationship with Qatar, adding that that both countries have always supported each other through thick and thin.
He said that Pakistan is keen to transform its excellent ties with Qatar into a mutually beneficial robust economic partnership.
He highlighted the important role of Qatar Investment Authority, saying that Pakistan would like to see Qatar expand its investment portfolio in Pakistan in priority sectors, according to the release.
Earlier in the day, Pakistan's Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ishaq Dar received the Qatari minister and reviewed Pakistan-Qatar bilateral relations and trade and investment ties with particular focus on cooperation in sectors including energy, mining and aviation.
The two sides also exchanged views on regional and global developments, especially the dire situation in Gaza, emphasizing that peace in the region could only be ensured through the establishment of a viable, sovereign and contiguous State of Palestine on the basis of pre-1967 borders, with Al Quds Al-Sharif (Jerusalem) as its capital. (end)

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