HE the Speaker of the Shura Council Hassan bin Abdullah al-Ghanem has affirmed Qatar’s keenness to strengthen joint Arab action, pointing out the country’s prominent role in supporting stability in the region, through mediation efforts, and calling for resolving disputes through peaceful means.

In a speech delivered at the 36th conference of the Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union (AIPU) held in Algiers, Algeria, HE al-Ghanem stressed that Qatar and the Qatari people stand by the brotherly Palestinian people, support their cause, and affirm their right to establish their independent state on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

He underlined the exceptional challenges that the Arab region is facing, including the brutal Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip and the systematic genocide and forced displacement to which the Palestinian people are subjected, stressing that these challenges require a firm and effective stance to provide all forms of support.

He affirmed the necessity of taking practical steps to support the Palestinian people, whether by issuing international legislation obligating the occupying state to stop its aggression, or by mobilising parliamentary diplomatic efforts to demand that governments and human rights organisations exert all forms of pressure on the occupying state, to stop its violations against the Palestinian people and their great sacrifices.

In this context, HE the Speaker hailed the recent announcements made by Spain, Norway and Ireland to recognise the State of Palestine, describing it as the result of the steadfastness of the Palestinian people and their great sacrifices.

HE al-Ghanem pointed out the expansion of student protests around the globe against Israeli practices, underlining the decision of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to halt the attacks on Rafah, and the request of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) to issue an arrest warrant against the Israeli prime minister and his defence minister on war crimes charges.

He emphasised that these movements and changes in global positions represent a victory for the Palestinian cause, and confirm broad support and solidarity with it.

He affirmed Qatar’s pivotal role in strengthening Arab solidarity and co-operation between countries, to ensure a better future.

Strengthening joint Arab action represents the cornerstone of facing regional challenges, which requires continuous co-operation and co-ordination between the parliaments and councils of Arab countries, he added. HE al-Ghanem stressed that the current conditions require deep thinking and serious work to find sustainable solutions to the economic, social, political, environmental and climate change challenges.

During his speech, he addressed the 50th anniversary of the founding of AIPU, recalling the achievements it achieved and looking forward to a better future that strengthens the unity of the Arab ranks and strengthens the role of the member councils in serving the nation’s issues.

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