Iraq intends to name a consultant to prepare a study on a new administrative city planned near its capital Baghdad after the project was approved by the cabinet.

Prime Minister Mohammed Al-Sudani discussed the project to build ‘Al-Rafeel Administrative Capital’ at a meeting of the Supreme Committee for Construction and Investment,” which he heads, the official Iraqi news agency said at the weekend.

It said Sudani asked the Committee to charge the National Investment Commission (NIC) to appoint a consultant to conduct a study on the project.

“The Committee will present the results of a recent survey of the area surrounding Baghdad Airport to the consultant with the aim of preparing that study,” it added.

Al-Rafeel City, located in the outskirts of Baghdad near the Airport, will have an area of around 265 square kilometres and comprise nearly 75,000 houses.

(Writing by Nadim Kawach; Editing by Anoop Menon)


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