• GCC travellers can venture into a whole range of sustainable, wondrous places with eco-rich experiences available from Berlin to the Black Forest, Recknitz Valley to Lake Constance

Dubai, UAE – A simple change with a simple goal. The German National Tourist Board (GNTB) relaunched its highly successful 'Feel Good' initiative – but this time with a tweak aimed at underscoring Germany’s commitment to sustainable tourism.

Now known as ‘Simply Feel Good’, the revamped campaign hopes to inspire a new era of conscious travel, invites travellers to explore a wealth of eco-friendly vacation experiences, and aims to focus on creativity, passion, and the environment.

Sustainability is at the heart of Germany's tourism offerings, and 'Simply Feel Good' is designed to empower travellers to make environmentally responsible choices throughout their journeys.

Discover Germany's Authentic Beauty:

Germany boasts a wide range of authentic holiday regions, each with their own unique character. Whether travellers seek pristine natural landscapes, green cities with modern mobility concepts, or unspoilt village life, Germany has it all. Here are a few regions to explore:

  • Black Forest: Experience real village life and immerse yourself in unspoilt nature within expansive protected areas
  • Western Lake Constance: Known for its crystal-clear lake water, the region introduced the first fully electric boat on Lake Constance and offers fresh fish and nature reserves
  • The Island of Sylt: Innovative sustainability initiatives such as a vegan food truck and Beach Clean-Up Days bring islanders and visitors together to care for the planet

Enjoy the Diversity of Germany:

Beyond famous landmarks, Germany offers diverse experiences in various regions. Visitors can immerse themselves in the everyday life of different areas, feel the energy of various landscapes, and enjoy authentic markets. Some places to explore include:

  • Market Halls in Berlin: Trendy meeting places combining fresh food, handmade souvenirs, and culinary delights
  • Spa and Healing Forest in Heringsdorf: The largest green health studio in nature, offering relaxation amid the unique combination of forest and lake air
  • Recknitz Valley Bird Park in Vogelparkregion Recknitztal: Explore the unexpected variety of mills, taste extraordinary delicacies, and enjoy gourmet salts

Yamina Sofo, Director at the German National Tourist Office (GNTO), said: "Germany is a country of diverse landscapes, rich cultures, and sustainable travel opportunities. With 'Simply Feel Good,' we invite GCC travellers to embark on journeys that not only rejuvenate the soul, but also contribute to a more sustainable planet."

Furthermore, GCC travellers can choose from a wide range of sustainable accommodations, from city and countryside hotels to special overnight experiences; a comprehensive list of options is available on the official website. The country also offers excellent local transport networks, making it easy to explore. And with the use of regional TouristCards, visitors can opt for affordable and sustainable travel – as well as zero carbon emission options such as walking, cycling, and canoeing on certain designated routes.

To make travellers’ expeditions more sustainable, Germany allows visitors to calculate their journey's carbon footprint using the myclimate.org CO2 calculator. By supporting certified carbon offset programmes worldwide, visitors can make their trips carbon neutral, contributing to a more relaxed and environmentally friendly holiday, while supporting a social cause.

To explore more information for a climate-friendly, environmentally conscious holiday in Germany, visit https://www.germany.travel/en/feel-good/sustainability.html. To get inspired and gain tips on how to travel sustainably, visit https://www.germany.travel/en/feel-good/tips.html

About the GNTB

The German National Tourist Board (GNTB) works on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action to represent Germany as a tourist destination and is funded by the Ministry in accordance with a decision taken by the German Bundestag. Working closely with the German travel industry and private-sector partners and trade associations, the GNTB develops strategies and marketing campaigns to promote Germany’s positive image abroad as a travel destination and to encourage tourists to visit the country.

The GNTB’s primary strategic areas of action are:

  • Conducting targeted market research and analysis of market-specific customer demand in relation to various aspects of travel in the context of sustainability and culture among those with values-based lifestyles.
  • Supporting the travel industry, which is dominated by small and medium-sized businesses, through relationship management and the sharing of knowledge.
  • Raising awareness of the Destination Germany brand and enhancing the brand profile with a focus on sustainability and climate change mitigation.

Focus on sustainability and digitalisation:

The GNTB promotes forward-looking tourism in line with the objectives of the German government. The focus here is on sustainability and digitalisation.

To make inbound tourism more sustainable and competitive, our organisation follows a three-pillar strategy that combines the sharing of knowledge with external partners and a supporting communications strategy with our internal sustainability initiative. The GNTB positions Germany as a sustainable and inclusive destination in the international travel market.

The GNTB is a pioneer when it comes to using immersive technologies (virtual, augmented and mixed reality), voice assistants and other conversational interfaces, and artificial intelligence applications such as chatbots. To ensure that tourism offerings are visible on AI-based marketing platforms, the GNTB coordinates the German tourism industry’s open-data/knowledge graph project.


For further information, please contact:
Emma Patterson / Umme Qizra Aleem