19 February 2017
Eight out of ten legal professionals say their work is repetitive and dull

By Cleofe Maceda, Senior Web Reporter

Dubai: Do you always feel like you’re stuck in a rut, or your work has become a repetitive, meaningless routine? You’re not alone.

According to a study released by a salary benchmarking site, legal, accounting, finance, sales and engineering professionals are at the top of this year’s list of most bored employees in the world.

In its survey among 1,300 workers in different countries including the UAE, Emolument found that people working in the legal field are the least enthusiastic about their jobs, with eight out of ten of them saying they are bored at work. The repetitiveness of dull daily tasks in a junior lawyer’s working week, which mostly involves researching cases and rulings, is most likely to blame.

Many of those working in project management may receive one of the highest monthly salaries, but they are the second most bored of all, with 78 per cent complaining the lack of thrill in their job.

“Sometimes it feels like I'm an overpaid secretary. The job mostly involves chasing people so that they do their job and meet deadlines,” says one project manager in Dubai with a double-digit monthly income.

Most employees working in support functions can relate to lawyers and project managers as well, with seven out of ten (71 per cent) of professionals in this field saying they have a dull work routine.

More than six out of ten of those working in consulting and accounting, financial services and banking, engineering and sales are likewise bored.

Regardless of their professions, however, workers holding entry-level roles (66 per cent) are the most bored, followed by junior managers, CEOs, CTOs and CFOs (65 per cent), managers (64 per cent) and senior managers (64 per cent).

The good news, though, is that there are still many professionals out there who find meaning in their work. Among the employees surveyed, those who are into research and development (R&D) find the most fun at work.

According to Emolument, more than half (55 per cent) of R&D employees claimed they’re not bored at work. “R&D professionals are among the least bored employees,” said the site.

“Bolstered by inquisitiveness and constant improvement and iterations is a highly positive dynamic which helps employees remain alert and motivated.”

Here are a few tips on how to keep the fun at work

1.Keep personal problems personal. Leave your non-work related worries at home so you can focus and be productive at work.

2.Create an office nest. Spice up your workspace a bit with things that make you comfortable and relaxed at work.

3.Develop an office support system. It’s better to voice out your feelings to your colleagues at work who share similar backgrounds or lifestyles, rather than bottle up everything inside.

4.Eat healthy and drink lots of water – this can positively impact your energy level and attitude.

5.Be organised. Create a manageable schedule to handle your workload and manage deadlines.

6.Move around. Don’t just sit all day or for hours on end. Stand up and move a little.

7.Don’t try to change your co-workers, try to change the way you react to them. Don’t get affected by your colleagues’ actions.

8.Reward yourself, either by having dinner with friends, watching a movie or exercising.

9.Take a breather. Take a yoga class or do some yoga moves to practice “the breath of joy.”

10.Focus on the positive. Identify the things that you like at work, no matter how small or simple they may be: the nice view from your office window, friendly officemates.

Source: Monster.com

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