General Authority of Custom Introduces new tourist vehicle inspection devices in Qatar

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The authority said that the new devices are capable of screening 130 cars an hour

In co-ordination with the Permanent Committee of the Abu Samra Border Port, the General Authority of Customs (GAC) introduced new inspection devices to be used at the Abu Samra border crossing to help ensure that tourist vehicles passing through the land borders are free of prohibited, radioactive or illegal materials.
The authority said that the new devices are capable of screening 130 cars an hour, at an approximate rate of two minutes per vehicle, adding that they employ artificial intelligence (AI) to detect hazardous materials banned from entry into Qatar.
GAC chairman HE Ahmed bin Abdullah al-Jamal said that the authority constantly seeks to enhance its capabilities in tightening security and controls over border crossings by using the latest technologies and devices to carry out screening tasks, speed up processes, and providing capacity building training to employees to handle such devices and conduct their tasks effectively.
The GAC recently upgraded the customs facilities at Abu Samra by dedicating a specific border crossing area to handle tourist vehicle traffic, in addition to modernising truck inspection platforms and enhancing insurance company digital services.
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