The GCC states took a major step towards the unified Gulf tourist visa as the GCC interior ministers approved the proposed move during a meeting in Muscat yesterday.
And in a step towards realising the unified Gulf tourist visa, the project to link traffic violations electronically between the GCC countries was launched.
Interior Minister General Shaikh Rashid bin Abdulla Al Khalifa headed Bahrain’s delegation at the meeting.
In his speech, the minister said His Majesty King Hamad affirmed Bahrain’s firm stance in support of a two-state solution, according to the Arab Peace Initiative, in a way that guarantees the right of the Palestinians to establish their independent state, with East Jerusalem as its capital.
“In the midst of the current operations in Gaza and the delicate situation in the region, we are prompted to intensify our security co-operation and solidarity,” he said.
“It affirms the significance of co-ordinating mutual support for civil protection purposes among the GCC countries, in which the regional situation, security developments and the GCC principles require promoting joint GCC security action.”
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