to Explore Energy Security Scenarios

May, 2023 – Shell recently organized a session exploring the two energy scenarios - sky2050 and archipelagos. The event brought together Shell experts - Peter Wood-Shell Chief Energy Advisor and Geraldine Wessing- Chief Political Advisor and stakeholders to discuss sustainable energy options and strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Recognizing energy security’s critical role in the global economy, Shell has developed a comprehensive set of energy scenarios that provide valuable insights into potential future pathways. These scenarios explore the complex interplay between energy demand, geopolitical dynamics, technology advancements, and environmental considerations. During the session, it was noted that the archipelagos scenario would require a significant investment in oil and gas, which could pose challenges in the race to secure the energy system. On the other hand, the sky2050 scenario focuses on rapid transport electrification, which is a promising step toward achieving a sustainable future.

These scenarios discussed were based on rigorous analysis and aimed to help stakeholders make informed decisions by considering various possible futures and their implications for energy systems and policies. Speakers also highlighted that continuous investment in oil and gas is still a cautionary necessity due to the continuous use of food-based biofuels, people’s behavior towards reducing their energy consumption voluntarily, as well as doubts about whether some major energy resource holders can produce their oil and gas reserves.

Kuwait has set an ambitious goal of achieving net zero emissions, which means reducing greenhouse gas emissions to a level where they can be offset or neutralized by other measures such as carbon capture.

In addition to the presentations, the event included an interactive discussion where participants exchanged insights and had the opportunity to contribute their perspectives and expertise to the ongoing dialogue on energy security and sustainability.

Entities are urged to address climate change and support efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to a level where they can be offset or neutralized by other measures such as carbon capture. This commitment towards sustainability and protecting our planet is essential for the well-being of future generations.

The process of creating scenarios involves considering different versions of possible future, other scenarios explore the possible outcomes of choices the world already appears to be making. This perspective offers the audience the chance to evaluate those choices, by exploring the assumptions behind such a possible future. Through such means, the audience can expand their worldview and consider the options for significant change.



ABCK-AmCham Kuwait is a non-profit organization operating since 1985 and is composed of Fortune 500 corporations, small and medium-sized companies, and prominent business leaders and entrepreneurs, both American and Kuwaiti. ABCK-AmCham Kuwait has acted as an advocate for American interest in the state of Kuwait. For More Information, please visit our website at or follow us on the social media channel @abck1985