CAIRO - Egypt's state grains buyer, the General Authority for Supply Commodities, said on Thursday it had bought 102,000 metric tons of vegetable oils in an international tender.

The purchase comprised 73,000 tons of sunflower oil and 29,000 tons of soyoil, GASC said.

Traders gave the following breakdown of the purchase in dollars per metric ton:

Supplier Qty Arrival 180-day LCs TOI 6,000 June 10-25 $1,000 Commodities Aston Agro 6,000 June 10-25 $1,000 Industrial SA Mahsul 12,000 June $1,000

Trading 26-July 10 InterGrain 15,000 June $1,000 SA 26-July 10 Green 12,000 June $1,000

Suppliers 26-July 10 Green 10,000 June $1,000

Suppliers 26-July 10 Aston Agro 12,000 June $1,000 Industrial 26-July 10 SA

InterGrain 18,000 June $994.00 SA 26-July 10 Posco Int. 5,000 June $994.00 26-July 10 Green 6,000 June $994.00

Suppliers 26-July 10

(Reporting by Sarah El Safty and Michael Hogan; Editing by Daniel Wallis)