RIYADH — The Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture in Saudi Arabia advocates increased awareness and responsible consumption to address the significant challenge of vegetable waste in the Kingdom.

Highlighting this issue as a critical concern for the agricultural sector, the ministry reported that Saudi Arabia annually experiences substantial losses, including 234,000 tons of tomatoes, 201,000 tons of potatoes, and notable quantities of onions, cucumbers, zucchinis, among other vegetables, contributing to a total of over 335,000 tons of additional vegetable waste.

Emphasizing the importance of preserving food resources, the ministry calls for concerted efforts to promote a culture of responsible consumption and reduce waste, which is essential for achieving agricultural sustainability. Citizens and residents are encouraged to adopt practices that ensure the efficient use and storage of vegetables to minimize loss and contribute to a balanced food system within society.

These initiatives underscore the ministry's commitment to bolstering the national economy, safeguarding the environment, and fostering a sustainable future, emphasizing the collective responsibility toward rational consumption behaviors.

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