Egypt’s Minister of Health and Population, Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, emphasised the critical need for enhanced joint coordination and cooperation among Arab countries. The goal is to continue providing comprehensive support and assistance to the Palestinian people amidst the ongoing crisis, particularly by delivering essential medical and therapeutic services to those who are sick and wounded.

Abdel Ghaffar made these remarks during his speech at the opening session of the Executive Office of the Council of Arab Health Ministers. The meeting took place on the sidelines of the 60th regular session of the Council of Arab Health Ministers in Geneva.

He underscored that this session builds upon the tireless efforts and significant strides made collectively by Arab nations in serving their populations during previous sessions. Given the emergency and exceptional circumstances faced by the Palestinian people, their situation rightfully occupies a central place in the intense discussions.

The minister stressed the importance of aligning visions on the agenda topics to achieve optimal outcomes. Agreement and approval of these items are crucial, transforming them into actionable measures that bolster overall health security. Strengthening health systems to withstand the dynamic changes affecting the Arab region remains a priority.

Delving into new agenda items, the discussions focused on forward-looking strategies and an acute awareness of the challenges confronting contemporary health systems. Consensus-building and alignment are essential for advancing these topics within an executive framework that swiftly translates into positive impacts for Arab citizens. Accelerating the pace of work and developing clear strategies are key imperatives.

Abdel Ghaffar concluded by emphasizing the ongoing commitment to collaborative efforts. Overcoming health and social obstacles is essential to achieving well-being for the citizens of Arab nations. Additionally, he highlighted the plight of the brotherly Palestinian people and reaffirmed efforts to support their health system.

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