Qatar Charity distributes Ramadan food baskets in 40 nations

These countries include Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Albania

Qatar Charity (QC) continues to implement its Ramadan projects in 40 countries including the Iftar project for the fasting person (distributing Ramadan food baskets). These countries include Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Albania and the baskets benefit poor families, widows, orphans, and families affected by disasters.
In Bangladesh, QC's humanitarian aid is benefiting 17,620 people from poor families and orphans. The food baskets include basic food supplies sufficient for families to prepare their breakfast meals.
A government official in the Dhaka region, Akram Sakabi, said: “Poor families receive valuable aid from Qatar Charity that is sufficient for them for a month. We thank the benevolent people in Qatar for this kind initiative.”
In Pakistan, QC distributed food baskets to 71,750 people, comprising poor families affected by the floods and Afghan refugees. Afghan Refugee Commissioner in Balochistan, Arbab Talib, said: “We are grateful to the good people in Qatar for making the month of Ramadan easy on refugees.”
Muhammad Hussain, assistant commissioner of the flood-affected Khairpur District in Sindh, said Qatar Charity has built 12 houses. "From floods, installing water, sanitation, and hygiene interventions, and providing livelihood opportunities for skilled communities, this support during the holy month of Ramadan is the largest support from Qatar Charity to those affected by the floods.”
Mala Faizullah, an Afghan refugee who lives with her husband and 11 children in Quetta village, said: “I work for daily wages, because of Ramadan, there is no work, and it is difficult to provide food and other basic needs for my children. I received a food basket from Qatar Charity, which is enough for me for a month. I can feed my children during the holy month of Ramadan, and now I do not feel anxious.
In Albania, QC provided food baskets to 380 orphan families, the statement added.
© Gulf Times Newspaper 2022 Provided by SyndiGate Media Inc. (Syndigate.info).
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