Kuwait - Ubuy, a leading global e-commerce platform, and DHL Express Kuwait, a global leader in logistics, are celebrating 10 years of a strategic partnership that has provided seamless cross-border logistics solutions to online businesses worldwide. This collaboration, now in its first decade, aims to overcome geographical limitations and logistical complexities to help customers find new products globally and deliver them to their doorsteps.  

Ubuy's expansive marketplace seamlessly connects consumers worldwide to over 300 million products sourced directly from the global market. The GCC region stands out as a major market for Ubuy, including Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Bahrain, and Qatar. Customers have the convenience of purchasing products from Ubuy’s strategically located warehouses, which are already operational in the US, UK, China, Japan, Hong Kong, Korea, and Turkey. Dhari Alabdulhadi, Ubuy’s CTO and Founder, commented, "Our decade-long partnership with DHL Express Kuwait empowers us to deliver the extensive range of products on our platform reliably and efficiently to customers worldwide. DHL Express Kuwait's unparalleled expertise and infrastructure have played a pivotal role in facilitating our cross-border operations over the past ten years

Through its extensive transportation networks across 220 countries and territories, DHL Express Kuwait facilitates and supports Ubuy's global value chain and provides maximum coverage internationally.  “For the past decade, we have been honored to be a part of Ubuy's remarkable growth journey. We did so with our range of logistics solutions customized specifically for e-commerce customers. This long-standing cooperation demonstrates how our global expertise and infrastructure can empower online retailers to effortlessly expand into new regions.” commented Makram Raad, DHL Express Kuwait Country Manager

Together, Ubuy and DHL Express Kuwait are revolutionizing cross-border e-commerce by providing solutions that transcend geographical barriers. Their partnership not only opens new markets for merchants but also grants them access to previously untapped customer demographics. With streamlined customs clearance, real-time shipment tracking, and reduced transit times, Ubuy and DHL Express Kuwait are redefining the standards for reliable and efficient cross-border logistics in the e-commerce industry.


About Ubuy:

Ubuy is the leading cross-border e-commerce platform trusted by millions of consumers worldwide. The company's mission is to provide a seamless, authentic, and trusted shopping experience to its consumers.

Media Contact: Faizan Khan
General Query: care@ubuy.com
Website: Ubuy.com
Address - Al Murqab, Block 3, Khalid Ibn Al Waleed Street, Mazaya Tower 3, Floor 22, Kuwait

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