Qatar: In a bold bid to combat climate change, governments around the world are increasingly collaborating to address carbon footprints, especially in carbon-intensive sectors like the aluminum industry. A prime example of this cooperation is the partnership between the governments of Singapore and Qatar. These nations are joining forces to leverage technology and support initiatives that ensure effective and transparent carbon footprint accounting. The Ministry of Environment, Qatar, is at the forefront of this technology exchange with Singapore, further innovating to accelerate progress. Companies like #dltledgers from Singapore are instrumental in this endeavour, providing the necessary technological framework to facilitate these goals through joint collaboration.

The global sustainability drive has gained significant momentum, particularly following the landmark COP28 meeting held in Dubai in late 2023. This meeting marked a crucial step towards ending the fossil fuel era, emphasizing deep emissions cuts and increased financial support for sustainable initiatives. Amid this global push, geopolitical challenges necessitate a collaborative approach to address environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues and sustainability trends.

One of the most pressing challenges is the aluminum industry's significant carbon footprint. The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, including Qatar, play a pivotal role in global aluminum production, contributing around 10% of the world's aluminum demand and exporting 60% of their production to over 65 countries. Qatar's commitment to sustainability is evident through initiatives led by its Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MoECC).

The governments of Singapore and Qatar are collaborating to enhance carbon footprint accounting in the aluminum industry. Enterprise Singapore (ESG) and MoECC are spearheading efforts to implement cutting-edge technologies and frameworks to achieve this goal. These initiatives not only support the aluminum sector but also set a precedent for other industries to follow.

The aluminum industry is a significant emitter of CO2, accounting for more than 1.1 billion tonnes of CO2e emissions annually, or about 2% of global anthropogenic emissions. With the projected increase in aluminum demand, it is imperative to address these emissions to limit global warming to 1.5°C. The decarbonization of the aluminum industry requires a multifaceted approach, focusing on three key areas: the decarbonization of electricity consumption, direct emissions from aluminum processing, and the recycling of aluminum scrap.

Decarbonizing electricity consumption involves transitioning to renewable energy sources and implementing carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) technologies. Addressing direct emissions includes developing technologies that provide heat and steam without fossil fuels and creating non-carbon anodes. Recycling aluminum scrap is crucial as it requires only 5% of the energy needed for primary aluminum production, significantly reducing carbon emissions.

Successful decarbonization of the aluminum industry depends on collaboration across the value chain, from suppliers to customers. Research and development in areas like inert anode technology, CCUS applications, and improved scrap collection methods are crucial. Moreover, industry players must work closely with power providers to support the transition to renewable energy sources.

In Qatar, the MoECC, along with the Qatar Industrial Manufacturing Company (QIMC), is exploring innovative solutions to decarbonize the aluminum sector. This initiative aims to inspire the industry, its suppliers, and customers to address decarbonization challenges proactively and collaboratively. By sharing industry-specific examples and potential pathways for impact, Qatar's efforts highlight the importance of collective action in reducing the sector's carbon footprint.

Companies like #dltledgers are at the forefront of providing technological solutions to support these governmental initiatives. #dltledgers addresses source-level coordination, collaboration, and multi-user participation with verifiable audit trails, ensuring compliance with regulations for reducing carbon footprints. Their Proteus framework offers authentic visibility into corporate and product carbon footprints, facilitating accurate and auditable records for all involved parties, thereby aiding in tracking and reducing carbon footprints.

Ms. Nada Al-Olaqi, RDI Program Director of the Qatar Research, Development, and Innovation (QRDI) Council, who participated in a panel discussion during the QRDI Council engagement activities at SWITCH 2023, expressed her enthusiasm about this collaboration, saying, "We are excited to join hands with Singapore in launching the Qatar-Singapore Joint Innovation Challenge, to provide valuable opportunities for Singapore companies to offer their innovations to Qatari entities. This initiative is a testament to our commitment to driving innovation and growth for Qatar while strengthening our global partnerships."

HE Dr. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz bin Turki Al Subaie, Qatar’s Minister of Environment and Climate Change, emphasised the country's commitment to environmental sustainability and regional cooperation. He highlighted that Qatar's active participation in international dialogues and initiatives, such as COP28, underscores its strategic role in unifying efforts to combat climate change and enhance environmental sustainability.

The collaboration between Singapore and Qatar exemplifies the global effort required to tackle carbon footprints in heavy industries. Through technological advancements and joint initiatives, these nations are paving the way for a more sustainable future. The aluminum industry's journey towards decarbonization is challenging but achievable through collective action and innovative solutions. As more nations join this effort, the path to a low-carbon economy becomes clearer, inspiring industries worldwide to adopt sustainable practices and technologies.