Dubai – Desert Side Training Institute (DSTI), a leading professional skills training centre based in Dubai Knowledge Park, announced its participation in the United Nations’ High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF), to be held in the UN headquarters in New York this week. 

Coinciding with the 2023 edition of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Summit and the UN General Assembly, the summit for the trilateral partnership of regional faith-based networks for the SDGs will serve as a critical platform to review and follow up on the implementation of the 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development and the 17 SDGs. 

The summit aims to enhance awareness among decision-makers, policymakers, and stakeholders regarding the crucial role played by religious communities and faith-based and interreligious organizations in achieving the SDGs and responding effectively to multiple global crises.

Mr. Ummer Chalattil, Director of DSTI and Director of International Interfaith Harmony Initiative, will participate in special programs during the summit on Sept 20 and 21, 2023 at the UN Plaza. The High-Level Political Forum aims to harness the expertise, experiences, and collective strength of regional faith-based networks to inspire faith, hope, and transformative actions in pursuit of the SDGs. 

“As a Dubai-based education centre, we are proud to have the opportunity to be a part of this key summit organised by the UN. Our participation underscores its commitment to providing quality training, promoting sustainable development, and contributing to the global effort to attain the SDGs. We expect this participation will enable DSTI to strengthen international partnerships and initiatives aimed at enhancing global education,” said Mr. Ummer Chalattil. 

“This participation helps us create more opportunities in Dubai's thriving educational sector by contributing our valuable insights and experiences to the global discourse on sustainable development and interreligious cooperation. We look forward to enhancing our strength by bringing together leaders and experts from across the globe to foster collaboration and the exchange of ideas and best practices in education,” he added. 

The High-Level Political Forum presents faith-inspired programmes during the week of the 78th UN General Assembly, with meaningful engagements for religious harmony, global peace, women empowerment, and youth development. The summit will address some of the world's most pressing issues including tropical deforestation, racism, and sustainable development. 

The summit will underscore the need to instill faith and hope and embrace moral and spiritual imperatives to advance the SDGs with a sense of purpose and resilience. Recognizing the power of interreligious cooperation, the Trilateral Partnership of Regional Faith-based Networks for the SDGs, from Africa, Asia-Pacific, and Latin America, and the Caribbean, has emerged as a catalyst for faith engagement with the 2030 agenda.

“Participating in the summit, we will share their experiences, challenges, and success stories in implementing the SDGs. We will also explore innovative approaches, partnerships, and strategies proven effective in addressing crises and driving sustainable development,” concluded Mr. Umer. 

Organised under the auspices of the UN General Assembly (UNGA), the HLPF will culminate in the identification of practical actions for transformative change, summarising key outcomes and recommendations. It will underscore the commitment of the trilateral partnership, regional faith-based networks for the SDGs, their member organisations, and other faith-based and interreligious entities to inspire faith and hope, nurture resilience, and accelerate action towards the 2030 agenda.

About Desert Side Training Institute

Established in 2019, DSTI leverages the dynamic and rapidly growing ecosystem of Dubai, granting students access to industry experts, groundbreaking research, and innovative technology. Its commitment to fostering innovation, entrepreneurship, and a global mindset sets DSTI apart, positioning it as a hub where learners can thrive amid a vibrant academic and business community while embracing the breathtaking beauty and unique challenges of the desert environment.

For further details, please contact:
Yasir Nalakath
Desert Side Training Institute
F50, 2A, Dubai Knowledge Park, UAE