A Brazilian man named Jose Paulino Gomes, touted as the world's oldest man died at the age of 127 on Friday, reported international media outlets.

Jose passed away a week before turning 128, at his home in Pedra Bonita, Brazil.

According to international media outlets, his family said he most likely died of organ failure due to his elderly age. He was laid to rest on Saturday, with his family around him.

Gomes' known profession was an animal tamer, with him riding horses up until four years ago. The gentleman leaves behind seven children, 25 grandchildren, 42 great-grandchildren, and 11 great-great-grandchildren.

Jose was known for not eating anything industrialised and had a natural diet.

"He raised chickens, pigs. His food was all from here, had to be grown or raised here. And he always liked to have a little drink," said Jose's granddaughter, Eliane Ferreira, as reported by international media outlets.

Despite his family not being completely sure of his age due to misplacement of documents, a 1917 marriage certificate from Pedra Bonita’s registry office shows Gomes' birth date as August 4, 1895.

“There is a lady nearby who is 98-years-old. She says she knew him when he was just a boy. That’s when we became curious to confirm his age and looked up the registry office to find out what was correct,” said his granddaughter.

“He definitely was over 100 years old, at least 110. Now we need to know how it will be recorded on the death certificate,” she further added.

The current Guinness World Record for world's oldest living person is held by Spain's Maria Branyas Morera, who is 116 years old. Meanwhile the record for world's oldest living man is held by Venezuela’s Juan Vicente Perez Mora, at the age of 114.

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