ABHA — Abha International Airport has become the first silent airport in Saudi Arabia. The airport authorities have announced on Thursday the decision to transform the airport into a silent one. There won’t be any more announcements with regard to take off, boarding of passengers, the last call for passengers and the like.

The airport management has opened the door of silence and closed the last call loudspeakers so as to enhance the typical environment free of the noise of voices. The management issued a decision to transform the airport into a silent one based on keeping up with the best global practices applied in several international airports around the world.

The airport administration said in a statement that this practice has been applied in several airports around the world, including Singapore Changi International Airport, Zurich International Airport, Dubai International Airport, Amsterdam International Airport, and London City International Airport.

The airport management said that it will begin to dispense with announcement of flight details during the boarding of passengers. The passengers will be provided with relevant accurate information through flight display screens, besides displaying flight information on boarding gates before opening the gate for the boarding of passengers. There will be an awareness campaign on the silent airport concept that includes multilingual information boards and electronic notices to clarify and draw the attention of travelers to the absence of voice calls at the airport.

The management said that a voice call system will be installed during the next few months, which will only be used in some emergency situations such as cancellation or delay of flights or any other announcements of importance to passengers.

The airport administration expressed its hope that the relevant authorities will intensify efforts to implement this initiative, and encourage travelers to be prepared in the event of traveling through the silent airport of Abha through the airline’s communication means, and by following the flight information display screens in order to ensure an enjoyable, hassle-free trip, without stress and noise for passengers.

It is noteworthy that silent airports are those that minimize background noise in terminals, creating a more peaceful environment for passengers. Unlike common airports where frequent announcements disrupt the atmosphere, silent airports limit announcements to emergencies, such as lost children or flight delays. In the main waiting areas, all announcements are banned, except within individual gate areas. This reduction in noise pollution allows passengers to focus solely on critical announcements, and thus enhancing the overall travel experience.

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