DUBAI - The now-running COP28 has garnered tremendous attention and praise from the media and international institutions. The strong start has been highlighted, with some calling it the "best start we could have asked for." This positive momentum stems from a landmark agreement reached early on: the activation of the Loss and Damage Fund to aid developing countries facing the devastating impacts of climate change.

This groundbreaking decision has sparked hope among participating countries, particularly developing nations. Their aspirations lie in achieving ambitious global agreements to tackle the climate crisis, unlocking the Loss and Damage Fund, and establishing clear management guidelines for the Fund.

The United Nations welcomed the decision as a major achievement and a positive step forward for vulnerable countries grappling with climate-induced loss and damage. UN Secretary-General António Guterres echoed this sentiment, emphasising the Loss and Damage Fund as essential for achieving climate justice. He urged world leaders to contribute generously and propel the Fund and the climate conference toward a successful outcome.

Axel van Trotsenburg, the World Bank's Senior Managing Director (SMD), also praised the "excellent" start of COP28, highlighting the historic agreement to activate the Loss and Damage Fund.

Media coverage of COP28 has been overwhelmingly positive, highlighting the early progress achieved at the conference. Leading media outlets like Bloomberg and The Washington Post have praised the decisive actions taken by participating countries.

A major breakthrough came with the announcement of $260 million in pledges towards the Loss and Damage Fund, led by the United Arab Emirates and Germany. This significant financial commitment represents a major step forward in supporting developing nations that are disproportionately impacted by climate change.

Bloomberg aptly captured the importance of this development in its headline: "COP28 Scores Early Win With $260 Million For Climate Damages."

The Washington Post commended the significant start to the summit, saying: "The world just took a big step toward compensating countries hit by deadly floods, heat and droughts."

Overall, COP28 has kicked off on a strong and hopeful note. The activation of the Loss and Damage Fund marks a significant milestone in the fight against climate change, offering tangible support to vulnerable nations. The international community's positive response and unwavering commitment to climate action provide a promising foundation for the remainder of the conference.