• Expertise in government structures, financial and banking projects, retail, and e-commerce projects is in high demand
  • Full Stack developers, Front-end developers, Back-end developers, Java developers, and DevOps engineers are highly sought-after

TalentNations, the global B2B platform for IT outsourcing and solutions, has released insights into the most sought-after IT specialties and compensation trends for specialists within the Middle East and Africa region. Analysts from the B2B IT outsourcing marketplace conducted a thorough analysis of resumes on the platform, identifying the top IT roles in demand as Full Stack Developers, Front-end Developers, Back-end Developers, Java Developers, and DevOps Engineers. These roles stood out for having the highest supply levels within the market.

Natalia Berdyeva, Partner at Talent Nations, commented, "We are observing a substantial demand for specialists in cloud solution implementation, Oracle, SAP, and AI. HR agency partners focused on permanent recruitment also notice market interest in project managers and security solution specialists."

Regarding compensation, the average hourly rates for IT specialists with 3-5 years of experience across the top five roles in all regional countries range from $20 to $50. Junior/Junior+ roles can expect an average rate of $10 - $15 per hour, Middle/Middle+ roles can command $20 - $40 per hour, Senior roles range from $40 to $70 per hour, and Lead roles range from $70 to $100 per hour. As of now,the platform's highest paid specialists include Data Analysts, DevOps Engineers, and Oracle solution specialists. Thosewith significant international experience can expect between $70 and $100 per hour.

A specialist's technology stack and familiarity with industry intricacies greatly influence the pricing structure. A robust background in government structures, finance and banking, retail, and e-commerce is notably valuable. Substantial experience in these industries can lead to a specialist's rate being elevated by 20% or more.

In IT outsourcing, regional experience is of the utmost importance for clients in the Middle East and Africa markets. India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nigeria are among the leading countries in terms of IT specialist supply. Russian specialists enjoy a favorable regional reputation as well, recognized for their high-level expertise.

Natalia Berdyeva further explained, "For developers from India and Pakistan, average rates typically range from $20 to $40 per hour, with Indian developers sometimes securing rates as low as $15 - $20 per hour due to their large population of IT professionals. Bangladesh offers similar expertise at rates ranging from $15 to $30 per hour. On the other hand, Russian specialists usually command higher rates of around $30 - $50 per hour. However, recent fluctuations in the ruble exchange rate impact this scenario."

The United States remains an attractive market for IT specialists. The platform's insights indicate that prices for specialists from the USA are around 20% higher than those from Asia. It's important to note that Latin American specialists also pose significant competition within the US market, benefiting not only from their proximity, but also by offering services at considerably lower rates.


 About TalentNations

TalentNations is a global B2B platform for IT outsourcing and solutions, facilitating connections between companies and top IT specialists within 48 hours of a client's request. Presently, the platform boasts over 200 IT companies from 47 countries.