Egypt, Cairo: Based on its implementation of all international quality standards in the work system, Jumia, the e-commerce platform in the Egyptian market, announced today that it has obtained the ISO 9001 certificate in quality management systems and services for the first time in the digital platform sales sector.

Commenting on this success, Ibrahim Mekawy, Director of Aftersales Sector at Jumia Egypt, said that “what we obtained today is the culmination of the efforts made to develop internal performance over the past years, and we are proud of this international recognition that confirms harnessing all the company’s energies and efforts to pass these difficult and accurate tests. This certificate would help the company in improving performance and increasing the efficiency of employees, and Jumia looks forward to doing its best in the coming period”.

Engineer Hesham Safwat, CEO of Jumia Egypt, added that we always strive to improve the work environment within Jumia, as this international appreciation is added to the company’s business balance as it is the first time that a company working in the field of e-commerce in Egypt has obtained this international recognition. Safwat said that the company’s obtaining the ISO certificate represents a new responsibility that is added to its responsibilities towards its customers who trusted the Jumia platform. This certificate represents a new step to ensure the quality of management and services provided that the company is now supporting. as well as targeting more standard specifications approved in this field, which Jumia is looking forward to obtain during the coming period. And to complete the administrative development shown in work system and all its sectors in order to gain more customer confidence and fulfill a lot of responsibilities as well.

He added that Jumia always seeks to develop performance through all the company’s internal departments and train them at the highest professional level, which is the main reason behind our distinction in the Egyptian market towards customers, as this step reflects the company’s insistence on moving forward towards the quality of services provided to customers. And raising the efficiency of its employees and acquiring the employees with new professional skills that enable them to perform their work to the fullest.

The ISO 9001 certificate is based on quality control and operations management in the company, as this standard clarifies the ways in which the services provided by the company can be upgraded to the highest levels, and it also helps to develop the business performance mechanism in various fields.
