AMMAN — The Amman Chamber of Industry (ACI) has announced that industrial exports amounted to JD4.739 billion in the first eight months of 2023. This figure represents a slight decrease from the JD4.818 billion recorded in the same period last year.

The results of data compiled by the Jordan News Agency, Petra, focused on export trends across various sectors. The data revealed growth in six sectors and a decline in four, ranging from 9.4 per cent in the mining sector to a substantial 15.6 per cent decrease in the wood products and furniture sector.

Detailed analysis demonstrates that most of Amman's industrial exports reach key markets, such as India, the US, Saudi Arabia and Iraq. These countries collectively accounted for the majority of exports, amassing a total of JD2.792 billion.

Notably, exports to the US surged to JD783 million, compared with the previous year's figure of JD656 million.

Similarly, exports to Saudi Arabia rose to JD551 million, in contrast to the JD487 million reported during the same period in 2022.

Exports to Iraq increased to JD550 million, up from the previous year's JD383 million.

However, the exports to India declined, settling at approximately JD908 million. Despite the decline, India remains a top destination for Amman's industrial exports.

Geographically, the distribution of Amman's industrial exports during the eight-month period underscores the prominence of Arab countries as primary recipients, accounting for a total of JD2.010 billion. Non-Arab Asian countries followed closely, with a cumulative value of around JD1.406 billion. Exports to African countries totalled JD40 million.

Further analysis of the geographical distribution reveals that North American countries collectively received approximately JD828 million in goods, South American countries imported goods worth JD77 million, European Union member states acquired JD187 million worth of exports, European countries outside the EU accounted for JD102 million, and other countries collectively received JD89 million worth of goods.

The sector-wise breakdown of Amman's industrial exports for the eight months highlights a diverse portfolio. Notably, mining industries constituted a significant portion, accounting for JD1.470 billion. The chemical and cosmetic industries closely followed with exports valued at JD902 million, while the engineering, electrical, and information technology sectors contributed JD659 million.

Other noteworthy sectors included food, agriculture and animal resources, valued at JD508 million, medical supplies amounting to JD411 million, and leather and textiles totalling JD320 million.

Established in 1962, the ACI currently has a membership of 8,600 industrial establishments, collectively employing approximately 159,000 individuals. The capital investment in these establishments stands at JD5 billion.


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