BRUSSELS — Minister of Foreign Affairs Prince Faisal bin Farhan called for the lifting of the seizure of Palestinian funds and refraining from any measures that hinder the work of the Palestinian government.

While reiterating Saudi Arabia’s support for the Palestinian government, he emphasized the importance of removing all obstacles, including those imposed by Israel, in this regard.

The minister made the remarks while addressing a ministerial-level meeting with Arab countries and international partners to support the Palestinian Authority in Brussels on Sunday. The meeting focused on the situation in the Gaza Strip, efforts to achieve a ceasefire, and providing urgent relief aid to prevent a worsening of the humanitarian crisis.

In his speech, Prince Faisal stressed the necessity of supporting the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) in order to ensure essential assistance for the people of Palestine.

At the meeting, Palestinian Prime Minister Dr. Mohammad Mustafa, along with representatives from the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the Office of the Quartet regarding Palestine, presented a reform plan and assessed the deteriorating economic conditions and humanitarian situation. The meeting welcomed the reform plan.

Saudi Ambassador to the European Union Haifa Al-Jedea and Counsellor of the Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Manal Radwan also attended the meeting.

Arab-Islamic Committee on Gaza meets in Brussels

The Ministerial Committee, assigned by the Joint Arab-Islamic Extraordinary Summit on Developments in the Gaza Strip, held a meeting along with foreign ministers and representatives from European countries, in Brussels on Sunday. The meeting addressed the urgent need to end the Gaza conflict and take necessary steps toward implementing a two-state solution.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Prince Faisal bin Farhan co-chaired the meeting along with his Norwegian counterpart Espen Barth Eide. The meeting was held in cooperation with the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell. This meeting follows the previous one held in Riyadh for the committee on April 29.

Ministers and representatives from Algeria, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Denmark, Egypt, Germany, Indonesia, Ireland, Jordan, Latvia, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Palestine, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) attended the meeting.

The meeting emphasized its support for efforts aimed at achieving an immediate ceasefire, releasing detainees and hostages, and ending the war in the Gaza Strip. It also underscored the importance of addressing all illegal unilateral actions and violations in the occupied Palestinian territories, including control over the Rafah crossing, as well as tackling the catastrophic humanitarian crisis.

Moreover, participants discussed tangible steps toward the establishment of a Palestinian state within the framework of the two-state solution, emphasizing the need for a political path that supports a sustainable resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The meeting highlighted the importance of international recognition of the State of Palestine and the adoption of a comprehensive approach that ensures an irreversible path toward implementing the two-state solution under international law and agreed-upon principles.

This includes adhering to United Nations Security Council resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative, along with other relevant initiatives aimed at achieving a just and lasting peace that upholds the rights of the Palestinian people and ensures regional security. Participants noted that such achievements will pave the way for normal relations between countries in the region and ensure regional stability, security, peace, and cooperation

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