In a move to curb gas flaring and boost power generation, Iraq's Ministry of Oil signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Siemens Energy and Schlumberger on Sunday, a report by Shafaq News said.

The report, based on an official statement by the Ministry, quoted Hayan Abdul Ghani, Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Affairs and Oil Minister, as saying that the MoU aligns with the Ministry's accelerated plan to harness associated gas currently being flared at oil fields. This captured gas will be processed and transformed into "productive and beneficial energy" to supply power plants and strengthen the national grid.

Maximilian Rasch, Charge d'Affaires at the German Embassy in Baghdad, expressed hope that the MoU paves the way for future contracts that will facilitate investment in gas processing infrastructure.

(Writing by Majda Muhsen; Editing by Anoop Menon)


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