The global aviation industry is scrambling to cut emissions and wants Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) to help cut its carbon footprint by as much as 65 percent by 2050.

But that all hinges on using garbage and hydrogen-derived oil instead of jet fuel, triggering a scramble for the raw material and the end product.

The aviation industry is lapping up every bit produced today, albeit in minuscule quantities. The fossil fuel, solar and wind-rich Gulf countries have spotted an opportunity and are gearing up to meet the soaring demand - technology, feedstock, and cost constraints notwithstanding.

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Corrections: In the report, with reference to quotes attributed to Alejandro Rios Galvan, Chief Research Scientist at Khalifa University, we inadvertently used Galvan whereas the proper usage is Rios-Galvan. We regret that error. 

On Page 2, 4th Paragraph, the line should read as: Much of the (bio-fuel) produced today...