DUBAI, 4th December, 2023 (WAM) -- Chinese Vice Premier Ding Xuexiang said that China stands ready to work closely with developing nations to build a green and low-carbon future.

Ding made the remarks when addressing the Group of 77 (G77) and China Leaders' Summit on the sidelines of the now-running COP28.

He emphasised that China has actively yet prudently promoted the targets for carbon peak and carbon neutrality, adding that while fulfilling its international obligations, China has made efforts to help other developing countries cope with climate change.

Noting that there is still a long way to go to improve global climate governance, Ding called on the G77 and China to further speak with one voice and uphold common interests.

The Vice Premier called on parties concerned to jointly promote sustainable development, strengthen the synergy of green transformation development strategies, boost mutual assistance, and explore a new path of coordination between development and protection.

Ding urged parties concerned to jointly safeguard multilateralism and firmly uphold the goals and principles set out in the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement.

He also called for the joint promotion of equity and justice, working together to make substantive progress in implementing climate funding and forming a framework for the Global Goal on Adaptation, and giving full play to the role of the newly established Loss and Damage Fund.