The Family Office International Investment Company, a leading wealth management firm in the GCC, proudly announces its strategic sponsorship of LEAP 2024, a prominent annual tech event in Saudi Arabia that gathers innovators and experts from around the world. The event serves as a platform to connect, share ideas, and explore limitless possibilities in the tech sector.

Attendees can to meet wealth and investment experts from The Family Office in Hall 1A, Booth C70, in the Fintech Area from the 4th to the 7th of March, at the Riyadh Exhibition and Convention Center. Visitors will also have the opportunity to participate in a first-of-a-kind digital experience with the firm’s exclusive immersive room that projects one’s wealth in 25 years based on preferred asset classes.

Additionally, Abdulmohsin Al Omran, Founder and Board Member of The Family Office International Investment Company, will take the stage on two occasions at LEAP 2024 to discuss digitization in wealth management (Session timings may change slightly, and the final schedule will be confirmed closer to the event dates):

  • General Overview About the Future of Wealth Management in a Digitized World (Main Stage, March 5th at 5:25 pm KSA)
  • The Future of Wealth Management in a Digitized World: Changing the Landscape in the GCC (Fintech Stage, March 6th at 3:05 pm KSA)

Attendees can register using the following link to attend LEAP 2024 and meet The Family Office team:


About The Family Office International Investment Company

The Family Office in Bahrain, Dubai, and its Riyadh-based wealth manager, The Family Office International Investment Company, are regulated by the Central Bank of Bahrain, The Dubai Financial Services Authority, and the Capital Market Authority of Saudi Arabia, serving hundreds of families and individuals. The firm helps clients achieve their wealth goals through custom-made investment strategies that cater to their unique needs.


The Family Office Co. BSC (c) is a Category 1 Investment Firm regulated by the Central Bank of Bahrain C.R. No. 53871 dated 21/6/2004. Paid Up Capital: US$10,000,000. The Family Office Co. BSC (c) only offers products and services to ‘accredited investors’ as defined by the Central Bank of Bahrain.

The Family Office International Investment is a joint stock closed company owned by one person. Paid-up capital SR20 million. CR No. 7007701696.  Licensed by the Capital Market Authority (no. 17-182-30) to carry out arranging, advisory and managing investments and operating funds, with respect to securities.

The Family Office Company B.S.C. (c), DIFC Branch is a recognized company in the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) under registration number 6567 and regulated by the Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA). The Family Office Company B.S.C. (c), DIFC Branch is not permitted to deal with Retail Clients (as defined in DFSA’s Conduct of Business Module).

Website, and Social Media:

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For more information, please contact:

Edward Priyan      

Zainab Imichi Alhassan