Abu Dhabi: – The Abu Dhabi Exports Office (ADEX), an export-financing arm of Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFD), has debuted at the GTR MENA conference as one of its main sponsors. The event, now in its 24th edition, was held in Dubai on February 20 and 21. The long presence of the event in the region highlights the conference’s value as a platform for building connections, exchanging insights, and engaging in meaningful dialogue on export and trade.

Reflecting on the anticipated outcome of ADEX’s participation, Khalil Al Mansoori, the Acting Director General of ADEX, said: “We are delighted to be part of the GTR MENA as it presents an excellent opportunity for us to share our vision for the growth and expansion of the UAE’s export sector. As we embark on this journey, we look forward to exploring new collaborations and partnerships that will drive innovation and growth in our export sector.”

He explained ADEX’s role in expanding the UAE’s export sector as part of the entity’s core mandate to support the country’s effort to diversify its economy. He also pointed out that ADEX fills a crucial gap in the export financing sector, complementing the roles of other entities such as the UAE’s commercial banks and export credit insurance agencies. “While banks provide exporter funding and ECAs offer insurance, ADEX offers buyers credit financing, ensuring a comprehensive export financing cycle with each party in the cycle complementing other’s role.” he said.

The conference explored topics ranging from post-oil trade dynamics to MENA’s potential as a supply chain finance hub, corporate cash management strategies, state-backed support for strategic commodity supply, advancements in paperless trade through the Electronic Trade Documents Act, and upcoming trends in trade and supply chain innovation.


About ADEX

Established by the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFD) in 2019, the Abu Dhabi Exports Office (ADEX) offers financing solutions to Emirati exporters to help increase the country’s export volume and promote UAE export business in the global markets. ADEX’s mandate includes providing credit facilities to overseas buyers and importers via direct and indirect loans and guarantees, thereby enhancing the export sector’s pivotal economic role and promoting its global competitiveness. This is in line with the UAE’s economic diversification strategy. The entity also seeks to expand the range of locally made exported goods and services, being among the main pillars of the country’s sustainable development. To learn more about our services and solutions, please visit our website