Cairo: Today, Contact Pay, a leading company in electronic payment solutions and a subsidiary of Contact Group, a prominent player in the non-banking financial services sector, announced the signing of a strategic partnership agreement with "Al Ahly Momkn," a key player in the field of e-payment solutions and financial services, to facilitate payment operations for Contact's customers in Egypt by providing the option to pay Contact installments through Al Ahly Momkn's multiple payment channels. The agreement was signed by Eng. Ahmed Abdel Hakim, the Managing Director of Contact Pay, on behalf of Contact, while Eng. Ahmed Enayet, the Managing Director and CEO of Al Ahly Momkn, signed on behalf of their company.

This partnership reflects a shared vision between the two companies to facilitate payment operations for customers through Al Ahly Momkn's branches and points of sale located throughout Egypt, with more than 90,000 points of sale and over 5 million users. It is worth noting that Contact has a geographical presence in most Egyptian governorates, providing its services with comprehensive coverage and professionalism in both urban and rural areas. This partnership represents a strategic integration between Contact Pay as a specialized company in payment solutions and Al Ahly Momkn as a major provider of electronic payment solutions and points of sale across Egypt, particularly in rural areas, enhancing the ease and speed of access for customers to Contact's services through Al Ahly Momkn's extensive coverage.

In his statement regarding the agreement, Eng. Ahmed Abdel Hakim, the Managing Director of Contact Pay, affirmed, "We are excited about this strategic partnership with Al Ahly Momkn, which comes in line with our commitment to providing payment services with the highest standards of security and efficiency. This agreement opens up new horizons for customers to conduct their financial transactions smoothly and easily nationwide."

On his part, Mr. Mohab Gamal,  Deputy CEO of  Al Ahly Momkn, stated, "This partnership reflects our dedication to providing seamless and innovative payment experiences. We are confident that this step will enhance our customers' ability to access Contact's services more easily and quickly through our branches and POSs spread across the country."

Furthermore, Eng. Ahmed Enayet, the Managing Director and CEO of Al Ahly Momkn added that the collaboration with Contact complements their expansion strategy and provides diversified services, reinforcing secure, easy, and fast payment services for consumers in the Egyptian market.

In conclusion, Mr. Said Zater, the CEO of Contact Financial Holding, expressed his vision for the future, stating, "This step aligns with our vision to achieve a cashless financial society, as we continuously strive to provide innovative and sustainable solutions to fulfill our customers’ needs. We believe in integrating financial services with modern payment technologies to better serve our customers."
