MUSCAT: In line with its ongoing efforts to empower corporate customers, the National Bank of Oman (NBO) recently hosted a session on the Asian market and its impact on the supply chain. The highly anticipated event featured leading experts in the field, providing insights into the latest economic trends and dynamics. The session facilitated networking among CFOs and demonstrated NBO's commitment to building business success through informed discussions.

The event hosted Charlie Lay, a regional economist from Commerzbank AG, as the keynote speaker. Lay offered a comprehensive overview of the Asian market, highlighting key developments and the resulting effects on global supply chains. Following his presentation, a panel discussion with NBO's General Manager and Chief Financial and Operating Officer Giridhar Varadachari further explored these topics, allowing for deeper dialogue and audience engagement.

Mohammed Yahya Al Jabri, Assistant General Manager and Head of Global Transaction Banking at NBO, said: "NBO is committed to creating value for our corporate customers by offering them access to the latest knowledge and expert insights. We were delighted to have Mr. Charlie Lay and other distinguished guests with us. We believe this event is crucial for CFOs and financial leaders who need to stay informed about economic shifts and how they affect their business operations. It's also an opportunity for networking and fostering meaningful connections. The panel discussion was particularly interesting. The expertise and insights shared by the panellists were invaluable to our attendees as they look to adapt and thrive in a rapidly changing business environment.”

NBO offers customers a robust Online Trade Portal, designed to assist clients in managing the timelines of their trade businesses. The portal offers a comprehensive suite of digital solutions that streamline international trade processes, ensuring clients can efficiently handle their trade operations. It is built to cater to the specific needs of businesses, providing a reliable and efficient tool to manage their import and export activities seamlessly.

The attendees had the chance to interact with industry experts, ask questions, and share experiences with their peers. The NBO CFO event empowered businesses by providing platforms for learning and collaboration, highlighting the bank's focus on helping its customers navigate the complexities of the modern economy.

More information on NBO services is accessible at, directly through the NBO Call Centre at 24770000, or via the user-friendly NBO app.