Egypt follows with interest the developments of the situation in Niger, Ahmed Abou Zeid, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has said.

He stressed the importance of adhering to dialogue to push for a peaceful settlement of the crisis in a way that ensures the preservation of the security and safety of the Niger State and its brotherly people.

He stressed Egypt’s support for all efforts aimed at defusing the crisis in a way that preserves the democratic system, sovereignty and stability of Niger.

Abou Zeid stressed the consistency of these efforts with the rules of international law, the UN Charter and the founding principles of the African Union (AU), in order to prevent any escalation that may destabilize the security and stability of the region.

In a new development of events, the Peace and Security Council (PSC) of the AU has suspended Niger from all activities of the organization, as well as from its bodies and institutions, as a result of the coup d’état with which the military deposed the military on July 26 President Mohamed Bazoum. In a press release published on Tuesday, the AU specified that this directive has immediate effect “until the effective restoration of the constitutional order “.It asks the Member States of the Union “to refrain from any action that could confer legitimacy on the illegal regime of Niger”. In the document, the AU also declares that it “takes note” of the decision of the Economic Community of West African States (ECWAS) to deploy an emergency force in Niger and asks the regional organization to carry out an assessment of the economic prospects and social security implications such a move will have. The decision came after the meeting of the PSC held Monday.

The PSC was keen to express “full solidarity” with ECWAS in its “commitment for the peaceful restoration of the constitutional order in Niger and stresses that it approves the decisions imposed by the regional bloc after the coup: with reference to the sanctions. The PSC supports the measure, but asks that it be applied gradually, minimizing its disproportionate effect on Nigeriens.

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