Tech giant Apple launched its latest offering — the iPhone 15 — on September 12 — with customers getting their hands on the new model on September 22, including in the UAE.
The new variation of the popular phone sold like hotcakes with malls in Dubai witnessing long queues of buyers.
And while most of them are happy and proud to own the brand new set, it is being reported worldwide users are reporting multiple issues.
Here, we take a look at some of the issues:
A lot of users have complained about the variants of the iPhone 15 — Pro and Pro Max overheating. The tech giant has been getting a lot of feedback on this issue on their community forum with one of the users writing: "I’ve recently purchased the new iPhone 15 pro max and it is heating up even when I’m not using it. I was wondering if anyone else is having this issue or if it maybe a setting that is causing it that I can turn off?"
Another user wrote: "I just got the IPhone 15 Pro today and it’s so hot i can’t even hold it for very long!"
Data transfer
Some loyal iPhone users have reportedly said that they had trouble transfering their data from their old iPhone to the new one. The tech giant immediately issued a iOS 17.0.2 software update but the issues remained. Apple have said that users need to put the device into Device Firmware Update mode and restore it using a computer.
Titanium frame changing colour
Some users have reported that the titanium frame, a new feature, is changing colour. Apple itself said in its support document that fingerprints may cause the metal to change colour. Luckily enough, Apple also has the remedy for it. Apple said that the change in colour is because of oil from the skin coming in contact with the frame and added that the original colour can be restored by wiping the gadget with a soft, slightly damp, lint-free cloth.
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