AMMAN — The Jordan India Fertiliser Company (JIFCO), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Jordan Phosphate Mines Company (JPMC), on Saturday signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Jordan Chamber of Industry to regulate phosphoric acid supply to domestic specialised fertiliser manufacturers.

The agreement, signed by JPMC Board Chairman Mohammad Thneibat and Jordan and Amman Chamber of Industry Chairman Fathi Jaghbir, establishes a pricing framework for phosphoric acid produced by JIFCO for local specialised compound fertiliser production, according to the Jordan news Agency, Petra.

"The agreement exemplifies true partnership between national institutions and will significantly impact the kingdom's industrial sector," Thneibat said during the signing ceremony, attended by JPMC CEO Abdul Wahab Rawad and Amman Chamber of Industry Director Nael Husami.

Thneibat emphasised JPMC's focus on downstream industries, noting the company's plans to diversify products and reduce production costs to maximise phosphate's added value to the national economy.

He also highlighted JPMC's recent achievements in production, sales, and strategic partnerships.

Under the agreement, the Chamber will compile a quarterly list of qualified local fertiliser manufacturers seeking phosphoric acid supply.

The Chamber will also coordinate origin certificate issuance across governorates, with JIFCO maintaining exclusive approval rights for acid sales under this arrangement.

JIFCO will set quarterly pricing based on global market rates and agreed formulas while committing to supply concentrated acid meeting export specifications to local fertiliser plants.

"This agreement ensures raw material supply to Jordanian factories and strengthens the local chemical industry's competitiveness through access to domestic inputs," Jaghbir said, praising JPMC's role in supporting GDP growth and economic modernisation goals.

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