Business Summary
McLaren Group Limited is a United Kingdom-based company, which is engaged in luxury automotive, motorsport and technology. The company operates through four segments includes automotive, racing, applied and corporate services. Automotive segment is engaged in designing and manufacture of luxury sports and supercars across four defined product families: sports series, ultimate and gt series. Racing segment includes the design, development, manufacture, and racing of formula 1 cars. Applied segment focuses on the application of Mclaren’s technological know-how in a variety of fields, by focusing on three key technology pillars across all markets. These technology pillars are: 1) virtual product development, 2) telemetry, control, and analytics and 3) electrification. Corporate services segment provides shared management services to all Mclaren group limited companies covering facilities management, it, and corporate services.
Country of Incorporation
United Kingdom
Incorporation Date
Business Sector
Automobiles & Auto Parts
Company Address
Mclaren Technology Centre, Chertsey Road
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