Tunisia - "The organisation of local elections on December 17 is no longer feasible," Spokesperson for the Independent High Authority for Elections (French: ISIE) Mohamed Tlili Mnasri told TAP on Wednesday. This is due to the non-publication till today of the decree calling voters to head to the polls.

The election commission is ready for any date picked by the President of the Republic, Mnasri said. It finalised logistical and human resource preparedness for upcoming elections. Staffing also took place in regional branches of the authority.

Automatic voter registration continues for the over 18 who carry national identity cards. Voters are entitled to check or change their polling centres online or by contacting the ISIE or one of its offices.

Nearly 1,808 updates were made until September 16 and 505,000 visits to Tounesna platform - launched for this purpose - were logged.

The total number of registered voters stands at 9,056,000, including 6,749,000 in voluntary registration and 2,316,000 as part of automatic registration.

This figure is expected to rise as the registration process continues on the eve of the polling day for people aged 18 and retirees among law enforcement and military personnel.

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